Welcome to Write Away!
The writing forum for Project Read learners.

We've redesigned our blog so that adult learners working at Project Read can share what they have written with other learners, tutors, and the public. There are a few simple guidelines to be aware of.
  1. This is a moderated site, so submissions and comments will first be reviewed before being approved and published.
  2. Adult learners submitting their writing have the option of using their first name (only) or using "anonymous" for authorship.
  3. We wish to honor the writing efforts of the adult learner/authors, so no major copy editing will be applied, but we may suggest minor corrections in consultation with the author.
  4. Only active Project Read learners are eligible to submit their writing to the Write Away blog and there are two ways of doing this: send submissions via email to projectread@sfpl.org, or stop by the office with a hard copy of your writing.
  5. The views and opinions expressed on this web site are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not represent those of the San Francisco Public Library and/or the City and County of San Francisco.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Join the Wednesday Night Readers Book Club!

If you haven't yet participated in Project Read's monthly Wednesday Night Readers Book Club, take a look at the following list of upcoming books to be discussed and hopefully you will find a selection that is just right for your learner. Remember, every learner who joins the book club receives a FREE book and audio book that they may keep. Their tutors can get a book, too!

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- Mark Twain (book/audio book available after May 30) to be discussed at June 27 meeting.

Death of Salesman -- Arthur Miller (book/audio book available after June 27) to be discussed at July 25 meeting.

Shoeless Joe -- W. P. Kinsella (book/audio book available after July 25) to be discussed at August 29 meeting.

And Still I Rise -- Poetry by Maya Angelou (book/audio book available after August 29) to be discussed at September 26 meeting.

King Kong -- Edgar Wallace (book/audio book available after September 26) to be discussed at October 31 meeting.

Full Cupboard of Life -- Alexander McCall Smith (book/audio book available after October 31) to be discussed at November 28 meeting.

The Wednesday Night Readers meet on the last Wednesday of each month (except for December) from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Main Library, Latino-Hispanic Meeting Room--Lower Level.

These materials are made available free of charge thanks to an annual grant from the California State Library. We hope that each adult learner who takes a book and audio book will also attend the book club meeting and join their fellow Project Read members for a rewarding, enjoyable, and supportive discussion.